Okay so it's a new year...again. That does tend to happen.
Since I haven't written an entry since March, I decided to write a brief overview of what I have done in the past year (2008- in semi-chronological order):
I quit school (Dec 07) at a college in Georgia.
I went to University of Phoenix for the spring while trying to figure out where I wanted to be.
I lived with my sister for the first six months...
I got into my first car accident.(and cried... a lot!)
I moved back to Texas.
I turned 20.
I moved to Austin, got my own apartment, and enrolled in community college.
I paid my first rent...on time.
I got my first job as a waitress.
I quit my first job as a waitress.
I voted.
I had my 2nd vegan Thanksgiving (I had it with my second family: they are my best friends family but I consider them my family.)
I went to the Prop 8 protest in front of the Capital.
I was served a non-vegan lasagna. I got a stomach ache and $15 gift certificate out of it.
I got three A's and one B in school.
I applied for the University of Texas.
I went to my first (and last) Camp Camp.
I read the Twilight Saga in two weeks.
I had Christmas in Georgia with my sister, her family, my mom, and brother.
I watched Twilight in theaters (four times..I know I'm lame).
I received my rejection letter from UT.
So, that is my year in review. I know no one reads these but I feel it would be rude not to ask, how was your 2008?
Things that I am looking forward to in 2009:
Barack Obama
The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide [Book] (Feb. 1)
KNOW1NG [Movie] (March 20)
Maybe a road trip up to the Seattle/Portland/Olympic Peninsula areas (spring break)
Twilight Special Edition DVD (Tentative date: March 21)
2012 [Movie] (June)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [Movie] (July 17)
My 21st Birthday (Aug. 8)
New Moon [Movie] (tentative date: Nov. 20)
Lovely Bones [Movie] (Dec.)
S. Darko [Movie]
... I am sure there is more but I can't think of any at the moment...
And last of all... my new years resolution(s). I normally don't do new years resolutions just because I feel if your going to do something than you should just do it. You shouldn't have to wait for a new year to start or only do something for a year. I just think it is an excuse (oh, I'll exercise for my "new years resolution"...next year). Like I said, I am going to be a hypocrite and make a new years resolution (fingers crossed that it will stick!). I am going to write an entry for this blog AT LEAST once a week.
Now that I said that, I will probably never follow through...
See you in a week? :-)
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